Jane Eyre
After having finished reading my first book in this decade, which was rather disappointing, i wanted it to end on a high note. And i have chosen another random book, to be fair to all the other 1932 titles in my Calibre library. I have speed read some parts again, but "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë is great. I was close to tears, to be honest. I can relate with thoughts of Jane, and i like her because of this. She is sweet, smart, and brave. Things went south when she decided to marry. But she is strong and kept going. I was happy with the end.
I have squeezed in new activities in this last part of the decade, so i'm not going to be disappointed with myself. In early October, i started to have a small crush again, which motivated me to automate my GIF image production even further, and inspired me to read books. I'm slowly getting the taste for it. And it helps that literature is mostly free, if you know where to look, and don't mind reading older stuff. I basically went down that rabbit hole again. But this time on Twitter, and not through YouTube.
Thanks to Kovid Goyal for making Calibre managing ebooks, and Mason Hartman for tweeting things like: "To love someone is to make yourself extremely vulnerable to their own outcomes. If what happens to them isn't intertwined with what happens to you on some deeply important level, I don't know how you can call that love." At the same time, she has a Twitter banner photo including a katana sword and The Simpsons.
In some way, she reminds me of Jane Eyre, or i just need to read more books, to find a more appropriate fictional character. Because she likes animals too. And talking about moths, i'm not Mr. Rochester either, for better or worse. I think i'm more like her, being lost in this world, and on a search. There is some energy coming from it, and i'm trying to process it, by creating things, as i always do.